How We work

Two methods of appointment to take projects on
All projects are unique in what drives them forwards, yet there is often a binary divide between some projects being led by self builders, and some being undertaken for speculative economic return.

Over the years we have found a single type of appointment doesn't work for both instances, and as such now offer two distinct methods of appointment to take on projects: working under a traditional form, or working in partnership with land owners. The table below highlights the key differences for each option.



What is this?

A traditional appointment method where our fixed fee is agreed at the outset
We work in partnership with you to develop a site, you provide the land and we attempt to secure planning with no upfront costs  

Who is this for?

More suited to clients who want to build their own home
Those looking to develop land for profit but do not want to risk the costs associated with attempting to secure planning

What sites are suitable?

Safe sites that are likely to get planning permission
Speculative sites with a small likelihood of being approved planning

How does it work?  

We design a scheme  suited to your needs, our fee is then paid on submission of the planning application
If we secure planning on your site it is then sold at auction to a developer, we receive a small share of the profit from that sale.

What is the risk?  

As is the industry standard you pay all the costs and Architect’s fees even if planning is refused
If planning cannot be secured then you will not pay any costs or fees, we take on all the risk